Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007

Hungary's tooth tourism

All of us want white and shiny teeth, also the British people are dreaming of "Hollywood teeth". Therefore this year, 25,000 Britons will take cheap flights to Budapest for bargain dental work. There you can regulate your teeth for a quarter of the price. Another few thousand will come for cut-price cosmetic surgery or lasik corrective surgery. Someone reported that he had needed a couple of fillings and a crown replaced which costs about 750 pounds in London, in Budapest it is quoted 266 pounds. With the return flights and car parking it costs about 352 pounds, which is still a bargain.

The clients come mainly from the UK, Ireland, Scandinavia and Holland. In 2004 the clinic treated about 16 Britons a month, which is quite a lot in my point of view. Three years later, work-of-mouth recommendations have pushed that to more than 100, with similar numbers arriving from other northern European nations.

But the British Dental Association warns that anyone who is thinking about treatment overseas must make sure that they are aware of the potential risks and the hidden costs. There can arise difficulties if there are problems with the treatment when the patient returns home. But the Bedfordshire-based dental travel agency Perfect Profiles ensures that if things go wrong, they fly their patients back to Budapest, put them in a hotel and resolve the problems - at their expense.

I read also some personal experiences of patients and nearly all of them were fully satisfied with the treatments in Hungary. But to be honest, I am a bit skeptic and I think I don`t want to be under medical treatment in Hungary although it is much cheaper as in Austria.

Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007

What you eat is very important for exam success

As now the stressful learing period for us poor students :-) starts I have some tips for you to boost brainpower and keep stress at bay. I found an aricle during I was exploring the web which is called "What to eat for exam success". I think everyone of us know how the feeling is if you are under learning stress and how difficult it is to stay alert and to be concentrated during the long, long learning process. Sometimes we try to learn the whole night and for these times we need something which keeps us alert, the solution for this problem is COFFEE. At least we think it is but there are other things which are more useful and also healthier.

First of all one of the most important meals is breakfast. It is an old rule but a golden one. Studies have indicated that those students who eat breakfast have better recall, better problem-solving skills and improved scores in math tests, which is not so important for our studies. :-)

Wholegrain cereals such as porridge and sugar-free muesli, garnary toast or some fruit with a yoghurt or formage frais are the perfect breakfast. The milk, which you should add to your muesli, provides protein which helps to keep you full and aids concentration.
With this sort of breakfast you will have a good start and you will make an enourmus process during the morning! :-)

Secondly you have to know that lunch is as important as breakfast. You should avoid fad-laden, mayonnaise-based sandwiches, pizza and chips because otherwise you will have the feeling that the meal is sitting uncomfortably in your stomach all afternoon.

Protein, as I mentioned before, seems to help us to concentrate. Therefore you should eat tuna, turkey, lean beef or ham and eggs which make ideal basis for lunch. These things can be accompanied by small pitta bread, tortilla wrap or a slice of rye for example.
Furthermore have a plenty of citrus fruits, berries and vegetables, which are great for vitamin C. It is needed for a robust immune system as well, these fruits and vegetables may also help to reduce the risk of being laid low with a summer cold that could upset your revision and exam performance.
Finally try to replace some of your caffeine-rich, sugary drinks with sips of liquid or camomile tea.The active plant constituents can help to reduce stress.
Coffee, tea and energy drinks such as Red Bull might seem to help in staving off sleepiness but overdoing these beverages can overstimulate the nervous system, elevating blood pressure and heart rate and putting you more "on edge". Stick to no more than five or six caffeine-containing drinks each day.

Well, I hope you have read this article carefully and if you will try some of these tips you will have the best exam results ever! :-)

I wish you a good and stressful learning period and good luck for all the exams you have to sit.