A 17-year-old girl, known as Miss D in court, is four month pregnant with a baby who has anencephaly, which means that a major part of its brain, skull and sculp will not form. She was told two weeks ago that the baby was not excepted to survive for more than three days after the birth, the girl told a social worker that she couldn´t cope with carrying it, which is from my point of view really comprehensible.
As abortion is illegal in the Republic of Ireland unless the mother’s life is in danger, the girl wanted to travel to Great Britain to abort the baby.
The Irish Health Service Executive stepped in and put the 17-year-old in its care and prevented her from making the journey.
In court last week, the executive made a U-turn and dropped its opposition to her travelling to the UK, and said it would let her go on the grounds she has consent from her mother and a judge. But the process was further protracted on Saturday when a district judge refused to give consent.
But the lawyer said the cours were barred from helping someone to seek an abortion abroad. However, he agreed there were no laws restraining the teenager from going to the UK.
Anti-abortion protesters demonstrated outside the court.
I think it must be very hard if you know that your unborn child won´t survive for more than a few days and in this case there should be no debate if the girl is allowed to abort the child or not.
Of course, the baby has a right to live and I am also absolutely against abortion but in such a case it should be allowed everywhere.
As we discussed this topic in class I think it is an appropriate article for my blog.