Samstag, 7. April 2007


I poked around Mr. Newman´s cyberopp sites and there I have found a very nice site for listening comprehensions. There you can read and listen the text together or do it back-to-back. Then you have a quiz and some difficult words are explained. There is particularly gossip of the young Americans.

The today´s English lesson was about 'Thank You Notes'. In my opinion it is a very useful and funny site.

Just have a look.

Happy Easter!

Donnerstag, 5. April 2007

The ring

Julia told me she came across an extremely funny site on the internet which is about cute bunny-movies. There are different short films of thirty seconds which are a good summary of the 'normal' movies. Today I visited this site and I watched The Ring and Titanic. Normally I hate watching films like 'The Ring' but this interpretation of the film is really funny.
Here´s the address of this site:

If you want to have some fun during your learning vacation :-) have a look.

"gift" to the British people...

On the 'New York Times' website I read an article about the release from the 15 British sailors and marines, one of them was a woman. The Iran´s president called it a "gift" to the British people.
The sailors arrived about 7 a.m. Thursday in Tehran at the airport for an commercial flight to London. The Iran´s president said personally good-bye to the captives and one of them said that they were grateful for his forgiveness.
The reason for the capture was, according to the President Ahmadinejad, the violation of the Iranian territory.

In my opinion it is a very interesting article and there is also a back story with Sarah Lyall on the website. If you are interested, here is the address:

Dienstag, 3. April 2007

conversation with children from England

Today I was skiing and on my ascent I had a funny conversation with five children from London. They were between 10 and 12 years old and they were really cute. They told me how stupid it is to carry the skis and how funny and beautiful it is to schuss down the slope. They explained where they have their youth hostel and why they are in Carinthia. They said that they went to Carinthia voluntarily with their teachers.
The funny thing was that they called the cabins bubbles and they were fascinated by the snow which was glittering.
It was a very amusing and entertaining ascent.