Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007
Place for Transgendered Youth
Montag, 30. April 2007
Almost French
Today I read the passage from the book "Almost French" we have to prepare for Thursday. It is about a cocktail party where Sarah and Frederic were invited to. Sarah was really shocked about the atmosphere at this so-called party. The guests were totally quiet and everyone seems strangely inhibited.
As Sarah decided to break the ice she introduced herself and tried to start a conversation but her attempt failed. Then she offered champagne to everyone but the guests seemed to be torn between a desire to accept and some sense of duty not to.
As soon as they were out the door she exclaimed that it wasn´t a party, it was another planet.
Later on Frederic told her that her action had appeared shockingly forward. Especially for a woman, because in France, apparently, serving alcohol is very much a male domain, so her champagne gaffe had been far too assertive.
Finally, Sarah talked about her difficulties to click with anyone and that she needs some friends who are around her age.
In my opinion this passage was quite easy to read although there were some new and difficult words which I want to share with you:
inhibit --> to take an action that makes (something) less likely to happen, or that discourages (someone) from doing something --> hemmen- incredulous --> not wanting or not able to believe, and usually showing this --> unglaubhaft
- ease --> freedom from difficulty, effort, or pain --> Leichtigkeit
- scud --> move quickly and without stopping in a straight line --> eilen
- inane --> extremely silly or lacking real meaning or importance --> albern
- surreptitiously --> done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing --> heimlich
- incongruous --> unusual or different from the surroundings or from what is generally happening --> unangebracht
- disincentive --> something that discourages people from doing something or working hard --> Abschreckmittel
- gaffe --> a remark or action that is a social mistake and not considered polite --> Ausrutscher
- intrusion --> unwanted involvement --> Einmischung
- to defy --> to refuse to obey, or to act or be against, a person, decision, law, situation --> sich einer Sache widersetzen
- to mingle --> to mix or combine, or be mixed or combined --> sich unter Leute mischen
- bumpy --> not smooth --> uneben